Official Sun City Girls Discography:
Folk Songs of the Rich and Evil / Exotica on $5 a Day

2-LP cover
2005: double LP (Eclipse Records: ECLIP SCG04)
The fourth volume in the Cloaven Cassette reissue program. Limited edition of 1000 copies.
This one begins with Folk Songs of the Rich and Evil — recordings from 1985 — "Tragedy is comedy as this diabolical collection of essay-lecture monologue songs will prove. How far this journey takes you from the supposed values of our world depends entirely on when you stop the tape. All tracks recorded whenever, here and there, written, improvised or hijacked by Sun City Girls at will." As usual, some tracks have been edited out from the original tape release but there is also an unreleased track included on this album taken from the recording sessions back in 1985.
The second album is Exotica on $5 a Day — "The Terrorism Music is made of. This tape is ethnic eccentricity at its most fragrant, but don't forget that many foreigners despise Americans. Recorded in a kitchen, side rooms, etc. in 1985 — except '9 Sides of Air' and 'Ride Nomad Burn!' recorded 1983 in a hallway. Some instruments on 'It's Ours' courtesy UNICEF."
Side A
Let Me
How Happy I Am
Song Sung Fuck You
Impossible Dream
The Cards
Captain Cook
Stygian Creek
Side B
Love of Crime
Step Lightly
Show of Hands
Family Portrait Album
You Will Take Their Phlegm
Gold and Silver
Side C
Its Ours (Introduction)
Bad Voodoo For You
Its Ours (Exchange)
Hopi Ceremonious
Side D
9 Sides of Air
Ride, Nomad....BURN!
The Hasheaters
Skeleton Checking the Mail